Hello everyone socks on ebay last ones were champion brand got a decent price every cent counts

my white sneakers are on there the ones i wear to work here are some photos. of them honestly they are a great shoe for the working lady i clean a ton of houses with these bad boys everyday so i should know but needing to get new work shoes so i am selling my lovely white sneakers i got from walmart a few months back i kinda usually wear them with socks but today i was in a rush do to the hectic ness that i've had to deal with since yesterday. and in that note its time for me an my son to get a place on our own so we dont need to deal with the drama i know its a shit thing to ask but i'm looking for gifted donations to my pp to
sexycolorfullfeet@yahoo.com and or to me threw walmart or bluebird card. we are needing to move by apirl and i dont have any dishs' no pots no pans no sofa all we have is our clothing and eachother at the moment and i would like to have a dining room table and chairs for me and my child to eat at. we've always lived with others and we continously get screwed over .

no matter what. i was recently ina relationship that i thought was going well but i saw things all wrong in reality its not safe for us to be here anymore and yea i still have auctions on ebay and ebanned to attempt to help with things
my green car the controll arm went out on so threw autozone they want like 140 for the part ouch the numnuts at the shop didnt know how to drive my five speed eagel summit and ended up not only knocking my balljoint lose but also breaking the controll arm i informed them it wasnt like that when i dropped the car off and that it was there fault i had to drive my car home in that condish because they refused to fix the damnage they had done
so here i am trying to sell my sneakers and socks and whatever i can sell to make enough money to fix my green monster of a car that i adore and to get my son and i a home
something we've never had on our own
and other auctions i may have on ebay and ebanned
socks below will be listed on ebay
Wait....they told you to drive on a bad control arm/ball joint? WHAT....THE....FUCK!!!!!!