Friday, December 18, 2015
had to relist socks
recently had an auction for for a freakishly fantasic amount and it was so great that it would of helped me pay on my electric bill and do my xmas shopping which i have been UNABLE to start :( because the single mom single income thing
i've realized all men are assholes the person i was recently involved with apparently has been seeing two other women behind my back and instead of being a MAN about it he stopped talking to me and blocked me on facebook and now his new fat whore is mugging it up well bitch they all come crawling back and when he does i'm going to break his nose!!
i've got a bid of 60 to break his nose if someone gets to him before me so i'm waiting for that dought it will happen
anyways back to what i was saying i had a pair of socks go for 429.00 i know right it freaked me out on how high it went well the person who bought it
Worn fuzzy white women's socks (301819833318)
has desided to avoid all contact with me and i've made many attempts to contact ebay wont let me leave a bad feedback but why bid so high and refuse contact if you have no intentions on paying up
its a big let down i have not one thing for my little guy because my budget is so tight right now :(
anyways item is relisted and ebay intends on still charging me for the seller fee which sucks ass!!!
so please its up for 24 hours go bid socks are worn and bagged and ready for a new home and collector
Friday, December 4, 2015
OMG Another youtube update
Thursday, December 3, 2015
just needing to vent
why you ask
well this year was suppose to be My son an I's year of freedom from the hell we lived with threwout the passed three years we are in our own place
and we are doing Ok!
but i'm behind on bills all i do is work work work and i cant seem to keep going strong my electic bill is my biggest concern i need to pay it off and i need to do that soon as shit
i'm unsure if i'm able to get any help with it or not
i am not asshamed to say i get state help but even with that being a single mom and the only one working apparently i make to much and i was docked another 50 off of my stamps
my rent is 750 plus electric which everything runs on
i just need a break i feel horrible because the holiday is right around the corner and i'm at this moment
unsure if i'll be able to put anything under our very own tree
which is something we as in mother an son have never had to our own my son is a very loved well deserving boy who i just want to make a good holiday for and i dont want him to see that the only person that is there for him is struggling!!
the more i think of it the more i get upset
i do have items for sale its just i'm horribly depressed and am having issuesing getting them listed thats another reason why i havent been posting lately so i do apologize that this isnt sock related
but i dont know what else to do
i am a strong women and i have alot of pride but sometimes you just need to let it out even if it is to a ton of strangers
that is if anyone still reads this
Monday, November 9, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
video update loading to youtube aswell
So as of lately i've been doing nothing but stressing i am a single mother of 1 and i do not get extra help with cash other than what i do for work and what little i make on here
i am looking for more business so if you have ideas please send them my way.. but if your willing to help me out even if its a few bucks please send any gifts via paypal
my current issue is the last person i tried to date stole from me he stole money and medication that my son needed he stole it to make some cash and then didnt come home after getting caught up
so he ran up bills and no i dont want to sink help me stay afloat and keep me sailing :(
Monday, August 10, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
sooo this week
i dont know what to do i'm at the point to were i dont even know if i should keep our beloved guinee Pigs frank and skeletor -_-
thursday nights i always work a double and tonight while at work my car desided to sky rocket and over heat to the max i think my water pump is going out i'm almost 100 fucken sure and this isnt in my budged
with my ex stiffing me with what he owes on his phone and his part of the bill it seems like my ship has offically sunk new vid on youtube
have a good night all
$50 towards water
$75 towards electric
$150 towards school supplys
in return texts and pictures for a month!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
To those who still read my blog i've been really down lately and i want to apologize for my lack of interest in keeping you all updated so will be trying to update more can anyone of you make your goddess happy?
just really stressed and school season is upon us my son returns to school by the end of the month and i have to get school supplys and re new my plates and still do day care and all my other bills i feel like i'm about to start drowning in my bills in reality i should be ok but this single mom is much harder than some make it seem!!
heres a new video
keep me in your thoughts and wish me luck!!!
let me stay afloat and not sink
as always love you all here is a link to my new video
Just dont want to fail my son -_-
Sunday, July 26, 2015
i left josh aka my personal monster i do care and did love him very much even though he had put me threw so much hell within the past three years!
So he is refusing to give me the 700 cell phone i had bought him to use back even though its under my contract with sprint he is sticking me with all the bills he ran up , which i suppose i allowed him to run up
i'm a single mom trying to get back on track i just want my kid and i to be happy for once i want to take him fishing and swimming and be able to afford the school supplys i will be needing to get very soon
now i'm being very serious later tonight i will be putting some items up for direct sale to try to dig me out of the whole and to be able to assure my son will get whats needed for this coming school year. i cant ask his father because he is a worthless dead beat who hasnt seen called wrote his son in over two years almost
so what can i do ?
if your looking to purchase something you can inquire via email or comment
cell phone texts for a week $10 will include videos and pics
just need to catch a break
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Sorry late update
So I have a few things for sale on eBay right now my feet are slightly rough at the moment but il working on it making changes it really is time to forget the past packing this fuckerd shit has till Friday to pick up if no word by tomorrow it'll be in trash by Tuesday did some night fishing w my son it was fun fought a cat fish a frog and a small fish ... He caught a craw fish anyways keep a look out will have another tomorrow
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Chicago's 2015 mudderella
Heading out very soon with my coworkers and friends for the 2015 Chicago mudderella this will be my very first mud run wish me luck if you for some reason would like to donate for our celebration food afterwards it's $40 for pizza and beer that will be feeding 10 women can be pp to me as gifts if you wanna help us out!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Any of you still read this?
Any of you guys still read this just curious before I start updating again I Know I keep promising but I'm beyond for real auctions and new vids to come
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
I thought I'd give you guys all a shortup date I will be listing things online today and I apologize for my absence just been unpacking and getting stuff situated
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Considering I'm living on my own I'm not going to lie I get state help with groceries but because my checks were higher when the holiday season was upon us my stamps were lowered my rent is $750 and I only get $200 for food if I'm lucky if my checks are $350 plus my $250 in utilities . My son is a very picky eater and I packed him a cold lunch everyday for school in return to any donations you'll get a week worth of texting or emails with pictures any and all help is appreciated
Monday, April 6, 2015
internet at home
Monday, March 23, 2015
Direct sales only
Going threw stuff since I moved auctioning off a personal lot here found a box full of letters I wrote my ex how I ended up back with them is beyond my knowing includes photos and lots of reading material over 20 letters I believe I'll have to go 're count but make me a offer I suppose otherwise will be heading to my firepit soon
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, February 28, 2015
ultimately betrayed
we end up arguing because he is a selfish jerk and thinks it ok to mistreat me in front of others so i had enough and i walked home and he desided to Stay so apparently when i was home sleeping he drank and got high and was foolish and FUCKED someone i assumed was Friend apparently
they both thought it was best for me NOT TO FIND OUT . So me not knowing on sunday we went to his daughters birthday party which was the plan i go after not wanting to go and it went well for the most part.
Anyways had a decent family day at the party and as we were getting things ready to go SOME little boy Pushed my son Rio and he tried to catch himself from falling and ended up putting his arm threw a six pan glass door and it slit his wrist, If i had known of the events that had happened saturday night me and my son would of not of attended this party and we would of not had to go to the hopsital sunday evening to deal with this horrific event my son had to get 14 staples on his wrist
and this is what it looked like after they stapled him, To me this should not of happened to me , i dont believe children should put there hands on one another and i also believe my son is owed an apologie and when i asked for that My supposed other half threw a fit about it like i was wrong for asking, Then the rumors started the fallowing monday which was our Family day me and rio and My other Half Josh all went out we an rio called off of work and school went to rios fav place the tilted kilt then to the mall and build a bear got him a Ninja Turtle customized for him of course his fav the red turtle rapheal had a wonderful day and we were suppose to go look at a house because things were looking better and i thought well maybe we can work out maybe i can actually be happy. Then BOOM the week goes by and i finally ask Carrie the Suppose to be my friend ex co worker and she tells me that she did in fact sleep with my boyfriend on saturday evening like it was nothing! yeah she said sorry but sorry doesnt fix things and it sure as hell didnt help my now broken heart

Considering she is a married women i want to know why the fuck she thought it was okay to horn in on my relationship SHE HAS A HUSBAND AND TWO KIDS?
WHAT COULD SHE BENIFIT from doing this?!;1;1 i dont fucking No
i'm beyond upset and heart broken because i have forgivin the physical and all the emotional abuse
that one should never have to deal with!
now he is asking for forgiveness for one last shot now why should i
i dont beleave i should
i dont think this one last sorry is even forgivable
So now i am asking you all for help for me to move on
i have the funding to move i on the other hand dont have the funding to get furniture
because i cant take my bed
He slept with her walked home stripped down to his birthday suit and had the insaine thought to think it was okay to LAY IN BED WITH ME NAKED? AFTER HE FUCKED HER!!!
maybe i'm blowing it out of the water
but i do know i think its time for me to leave if i can some how get 400 i can replace my bed and get a sofa so if anyone can have a heart and help me move on i would appreciate it greatly
Email if interested in helping
subject I can help
Thank You all You all are Great wonderful people and i appreciate All of you dearly
Friday, February 13, 2015
Okay soo i'm slightly delayed on this
OOOh and my retard ex that i left ages ago tried to black mail me because his cunt face ugly new baby mama saw he was texting me told me to leave her family alone???!? uh sorry sweetie he was the one texting me sorry if he isnt happy with your uglyness! want her info feel free to ask for it want to stalk my ex i'll give you to his number :)
anyways love you all your awsome
Saturday, February 7, 2015
New year new update
Thought I'd give you guys all a new update I have listed many new auctions on eBay within the past month or so had a lot of people not pay for the items which is really aggravating work is really busy so it kind of takes a bit for me to get back to you email me you need to remember I do not have internet at home I only have it on my cell phone so I cannot get online on my computer I also have a pair of socks listed on eBay right now they're white and pink athletic socks size 9 to 11 and any funding that I kept from any of my auctions will go towards this year's Mudderella that my coworkers and I will be participating in we will be the merry mudders so please check out my auctions and if you're interested in a direct sale of photos or socks or shoes let me know directly or if you'd like to send donations feel free to drop me one on PayPal